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Ph: +1 224 7135870
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Social Networking

Forget stadium seats, MESHMOB brings the sports craziness right to your sofa! No spilled drinks, just virtual cheers and unlimited popcorn refills!

Meshmob is a platform where users can enjoy any sport in the comfort of their own homes. In these times you can get the…

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February 24, 2023

Forget stadium seats, MESHMOB brings the sports craziness right to your sofa! No spilled drinks, just virtual cheers and unlimited popcorn refills!

Meshmob is a platform where users can enjoy any sport in the comfort of their own homes. In these times you can get the…

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Branding, Wireframes, Designs, Graphics, Videos

  • Platforms

    iOS, Android, Desktop

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